Tuesday 15 November 2016

Joiners Image Bank

This image shows joiners because several different images have been taken of London Bridge in different places. These different images have been put together to make a whole picture. I chose this image because I was instantly drawn to it because although it isn't neat the different tones in the image make it better. I like how in this joiner we have a central image and several other images that make the central image stand out more. I can take ideas from this image by taking pictures of landmarks or buildings. Also, I can change settings on my camera to capture more or less light to create different tones.

This image shows joiners because lots of small images have been taken and fitted together to create a clearer picture. I chose this image because I was interested in the fact that it doesn't look like it has been created on Photoshop it looks like each of the pictures have been stuck together. I like that when the pictures are stuck together it doesn't create a landscape or portrait shape, it creates an uneven shape. I can take ideas from this image by taking images of landscapes. Also, I can take the use of really small images and photograph really small parts of a place.

This image shows joiners because different parts of this mans face has been taken and fitted together to make an abstract image. I chose this image because I was interested in the abstract effect of it. I like how the face can be clearly seen and each photo is of a different part. When you look closely at this image it looks like two men have been photographed and their faces have been put together. One man has longer hair and the other man has shorter hair. I can take ideas from this image by taking pictures of small sections of different peoples faces and merging them together to create a joiner. Also, I can take the idea of just using people in general to create a joiner.

This image shows joiners because different parts of the tree have been taken and fitted together. I chose this image because it shows that not everything has to be interesting to make a joiner out of it. I was interested in the abstract shape that is created when the joiners are put together. I think it is interesting how the whole tree hasn't been photographed. I can take ideas from this image by taking images of things that aren't considered as interesting but can be made interesting when we create them into joiners. Also, I can take the idea of photographing nature in general.

This image shows joiners because different parts of the woman's face has been taken and fitter together. I chose this image because I liked how abstract it is because the different parts of the face don't fit together perfectly. The fact that her whole face is in black and white except the eyeshadow shows us that the photographer wanted the eye to be the main focus of the image because it is the only part that has any colour. Although these pictures don't join up together, the image is still interesting and we are drawn into it. I can use ideas from the image by photographing smaller parts of people faces and joining them up abstractly. Also, I can take the idea of photographing small sections of people faces in general.

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