Monday 28 November 2016

Portraiture Image Bank

In this image there isn't much going on, it is just a normal portraiture photograph but I like this image. The lighting in this image is very feminine and soft, this lighting helps define her features, for example her cheekbones are darkened to create more shape to her face and make her make-up stand out more. Also, the background in this image gives a good effect because the dark colours make her stand out more rather than having a white background which would create a lighter version of the image giving it a different message. I like how she has no expression on her face giving the image no real emotion, all we have to go by is the dark colours which make the image seem dark. The main focus in this image is her lips because it is the only bright image existent in the photo and it stands out agains the other colours. I can use ideas from this image in my work by taking pictures of people using different colours to produce images with different emotions.

This image has a strong meaning that can be perceived in different ways. Some people may see him painting on the colour but other people may see him painting on the black and white effect. I think this image has a racial view behind it because it may seem as though he isn't comfortable in his own skin and that he wants to get rid of his colour so he can fit in with the society around him where he is mocked for the colour of his skin. The expression on his face also adds to this effect because he is straight faced but almost looking sad instead of angry. As well as his expression the lighting also adds a great effect too because it is dull and dark which represent his feeling towards the people and the society he is living in. I can use ideas from this image in my work because I can use photoshop to increase the effect that I am trying to portray in my images.

I chose this image because I think it has a great meaning about make-up. The fact that she has different colours smeared around her face represents to us that the photographer may have a negative view on make-up. They could be trying to portray the fact that make-up doesn't make us look good it is just different colours covering us up. I can use ideas like this in my work by creating images with strong meanings that people can relate to and look deeper into.

I chose this image because I think it has great tones. There are no colours in the image which makes the detail stand out more. I think this image has better meaning without colours because this way we can se the tones that are displayed, for example her cheekbones are highlighted with a dark tone to show feminine features. I can take ideas from this photographer by creating great detail but having the images black and white to create better tones.

I chose this image because the fact that it is an image of a celebrity it draws our attention more. I like how this also has no colours in the image because it makes the tones stand out more. More feminine lighting has been used in this image because of the areas of her face that appear lighter. The fact that the photographer is showing a celebrity makes us read more into it as we know her life and what kind of person she is. I can use ideas like this in my work by representing people's moods in the pictures.

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