Sunday 6 November 2016

Reflection and Framing Work Diary



I took images that related to reflection, some of the image turned out well but others didn't work as well as I would've liked them too.

This is one of my best images because it works well with the reflection idea as we can see his reflection clearly and it is the only part that we focus on. With reflection the different attitudes of the person gives the picture a deeper meaning. In this image the deeper meaning of the image is that he is looking into his own eyes which can make us think maybe he's trying to see the person he really is. People could interpret this image very differently, they could have their own opinions.

This is one of my best images because his reflection is the main focus of the image and it stands out. The focus of this image works well because the reflection is the only part in focus. This image also has a deeper meaning. The fact that his arm is incorporated in this image helps us realise that he is doing his hair whilst looking in the mirror. This makes the image link to vanity because he is only looking at himself and unaware of what is happening around him. The fact that this is only a small mirror could show that he is small minded as he only cares about himself. This image could also be interpreted differently by other people.

This image isn't one of my best images. I tried to use different surfaces that I could see a reflection in but this one hasn't worked the way I would've liked it to. Next time if I use this idea again I will maybe use different surfaces that has a reflection because this one wasn't as clear as I would've liked it to be. I think I could've also used less of a wider angle and zoomed in a bit more to focus on the reflection more.

After taking the pictures I put some of my images into Photoshop and edited them to progress them.


To edit this image I selected the section outside the mirror and made it black and white. I think the edited version of this image is better than the original version because it makes the meaning deeper. I said that the meaning of this image was vanity and making it black and white adds to this meaning because it shows that he isn't paying attention to the rest of the world he is only focused on himself. To progress this image further I could've made the different sections black and white and change it up so it gives another meaning.


To edit this image I selected the area outside the mirror and made it black and white. By making the outside black and white we are drawn into the image because we want to look at what is going on. I think the edited version of this image is better because it focuses more on the reflection. In the original image we were drawn to the whole picture because the greenery around the outside also attracts out eyes, but by editing the image we are then only drawn to the reflection. To further progress this image I could've made the reflection black and white and made the greenery stand out more so that the black and white stands out even more.


To edit this image I made the whole thing black and white. By changing it to black and white it gives a better effect because it makes us think about the image more. I think the edited image is better because it gives more meaning to the image. The black and white effect gives a different feel to the image, it makes us feel duller because the original image has more colour in it. To progress this image further I could've edited different sections of the image in black and white. Also, when taking the image I could've focused on the mirror rather than her.


To edit this image I selected the mirror and mad it black and white, then increased then saturation of the image to make him stand out more. I think the edited version is better than the original version because it gives more meaning. I said that this image showed that he was looking at himself and not recognising himself. The edited image gives more meaning because it shows him to be looking at a black and white version of himself, this shows that he doesn't recognise himself at all. By editing the image it gives it a deeper meaning. To progress this image further I could've made different sections of the image black and white or focused on him rather than his reflection.


To edit this image I made it black and white. By making it black and white the reflection on the water becomes bolder and stands out more. Also the ripples become bolder which adds to the sense of surrealism. The edited version of the image is better because surrealism is more existent. The image is surreal because the statue's reflection isn't a copy of the statue it is distorted by the ripples. To progress this image further I could've zoomed in more on the statue and the reflection because then it would've been even more bolder.

Next time when taking pictures to do with reflection I will consider these improvements and try and take better images.



I took images relating to framing, some of the image turned out well but others didn't work as well as I would've liked.

I think this is one of my best images because it shows a frame well as we only focus on the tree. I think this image works well because we are guided into the middle of the picture to look at the man focus. Also, the hand shape is similar to the shape of the tree which could give us a deeper meaning. This could show that the hands have power because they almost have the world in between them. We are almost seeing the work from the hands perspective. The focus of this image also helps it because the tree is in focus well.

I think this is one of my best images because the frame in the image has worked well because we can see the landscape clearly and we are drawn into the trees in the background. The fact that the fence that we are looking through is dull and not colourful helps us become drawn into the trees because it is the only bit of colour in the picture. I think the focus of the image also helps contribute to the framing idea because we only want to focus on what it inside the frame and this helps contribute to that.

I think this is not one of my good images because the frame of the image isn't clear enough. If I had zoomed in more then the frame would've been more clear. Next time I would've taken it more closer up to focus around one of the shapes and cut out the frame of the window. Although this didn't work the way that I wanted it to the focus of the image could still relate to frame because the foreground isn't in focus but the background is in focus. 


After taking the images I put the pictures in Photoshop to edit them so that I can progress them further.


To edit this image I selected the area outside the mirror and made it black and white. By making the outside of the frame black and white the inside of the frame stands out more. I think the edited version of this image is better than the original version because in the edited version we are only focused on what is inside the frame whereas in the original image we can easily be distracted by what's outside the frame. To progress this image on I could've made different sections of the image black and white to create a different effect and meaning.


To edit this image I selected the area outside the frame and made it black and white. By making the rest of the image black and white we are just focused on the tree because it is the only part of the image that shows colour. I think the edited image is better than the original image because it represents frame better as we are only focused on what is inside the frame whereas in the original image we can be easily distracted. To progress this image further I could've edited it where different sections are black and white.


To edit this image I selected the frame and made it black and white, I also saturated the image. By making the fence black and white the landscape in the frame becomes more bolder and stands out more. By saturating the image also makes the trees stand out more. I think the edited version of the image is better because the frame is more clear and bolder. To progress the image further I could've edited different sections of the image to be black and white to create a different meaning or effect.


To edit this image I cropped it slightly and made everything in the diamond shape black and white. By cropping the image slightly it helps us focus on the frame of the image instead of other elements in the picture. By making the inside of the frame black and white we are instantly attracted to see what is inside the frame. Also by making it black and white makes use look on the outside of the frame too. As well as this I also decreased the outside of the frames contrast slightly to make it duller to mirror what is inside the frame. To progress this image further I could edit different parts of the image black and white.


To edit this image I made everything outside the frame black and white. By making everything outside the frame black and white we can focus in on what is going on inside the frame. I think the edited version of the image is better than the original image because it brings a different feel to the image. The black and white around the outside of the frame make it seem dull and dark but when you look inside the frame it appears bright and colourful. To progress this image further I could've edited it further to make it black and white in different places.

Next time if I get to take images linked to framing I will use these ideas to progress my images.

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