Tuesday 15 November 2016

Movement Work Diary

I took some photos related to movement, some turned out the way that I would've liked but others didn't capture movement as well as I would've liked them to. This topic turned out easier than I originally thought it was going to be, it was quite easy to capture freeze frame movements but capturing the motion blurs was quite hard. Movement is the first topic I really played with the camera settings by changing the aperture and the shutter speed.

This photograph is one of my best images because I think it captures freeze frame really well. The running water was easier to capture as a freeze frame rather than a motion blur because the bubbles of the water as the overflow in the glass prove more effective if they are visible rather than blurry. The fact that the background isn't visible also gives a better effect as our eyes are drawn to the water rather than the background. I think that running water into a glass rather than just from the tap gives a better effect because we can clearly see the water overflowing in the glass. I think I can improve this picture further by taking it a different times as the water fills up into the glass.

This photograph is on of my best because I think it capture motion blur really well. I think a freeze frame or a motion blur would've been effective when taking photos of moving cars. I used a motion blur in this photo as I wanted to capture the path and movement of the car. The fact that the rest of the image is in focus apart from the taxi draws us towards the motion blur as it is the main aspect of the picture. I think that moving vehicles was a good way to capture movement because they are going at high speeds and easily display movement. I can improve this image by incorporating more cars into the photo.

This photograph isn't one of my best photographs because it doesn't capture movement in the way that I would've liked it to. I tried to capture a motion blur of her flipping her hair but it worked out harder than I imagined. To capture the motion blur the photo would have to be taken at a specific moment to capture her hair in the air and a motion blur. I tired to capture a motion blur rather than a freeze frame because I don't feel as though the freeze frame would've captured a better effect than the motion blur has. To improve this picture I would like to try to take it again and capture the motion blur of her hair in the air.

To progress the images that I took I put them into Photoshop and edited them to make them better. By editing the images that I have taken it gives them a deeper meaning and improves them.


To edit this image I made everything but the taxi black and white. By making everything else black and white it makes the motion blur be more effective. We are drawn into the taxi more by changing everything else to black and white as our eyes are instantly drawn to colour. I think this also makes the motion blur stronger which increases the effect of movement. To edit this image further I could've sharpened the taxi to make it stand out even more, I didn't sharpen it this time because I didn't want to lose it's motion blur. I think the edited version of the image is better because it gives a deeper meaning that the taxi represents a person speeding through life and the background shows the rest of the world being unchangeable.


To edit this image I made everything except the girl black and white. By making everything else black and white it make the motion blur become more stronger because we are only drawn to looking at the movement of the hair in the image. Even though the rest of her has colour the main focus is still the hair because we instantly recognise that it is out of place so we are drawn to looking at it first. I also cropped the image too, by cropping out the rest of  the background she becomes more obvious and stands out more. In the background there are things that may draw our attention so by cropping them out we can focus on the main movement. I think the edited version of the image is better than the original image because movement is more obvious. 


To edit this image I made everything black and white. By making everything black and white it breaks down the colour so we are not drawn to focus on the blue or the cream. I prefer the image in black and white because the image becomes more together rather than broken down into sections by the colours. Also, the image is given deeper meaning in black and white because the colour has faded away similar to how the foot is fading away. The motion blur is stronger in black and white because we tend to point out the odd parts of an image and the fact that the foot isn't all there draws our attention.


To edit this image I made everything black and white. By changing the colours to black and white it helps us focus on the movement in the image as in the original image we look at the grass and maybe the pole in the background as they show bright colours. I think by taking away the colour of the image it has slightly taken away the effect of the motion blur of the swing in the foreground but the freeze frame of the background swing is still visible. To improve this image further I could've changed the brightness or darkness of the blacks and the white to make the motion blur still stand out. I actually prefer the original image to the edited image because it interests me more and draws my attention more compared to the edited image.


To edit this image I made everything black and white and increased the brightness of the orange parts of the roundabout. By making the image black and white it helps us focus more on the motion blur in the image rather than being distracted by the colours in the original image. Also, by increasing the brightness of the orange poles the motion blur becomes stronger. I think the edited version of this image looks unrealistic and gives it a more surreal effect. The edited version and the original image are both good versions but depending on the type of photography that people enjoy they would prefer one or the other. To improve these images further I could've gotten closer to the roundabout and focus on one of the poles to grasp a motion blur.

Next time I take image related to movement I will use these improvements and make all my images a high standard.

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