Thursday 12 January 2017

Connecting Essay 1

Connecting Essay 1

Lauren Greenfield

 Image Link

In this image we can see a line go girls in their swimming costumes/underwear waiting to be measured. The girl in the front is having her bus measured with a tape measure. Also, the girls are holding tickets, this suggests to us that they are measured regularly and they write their measurements down on this ticket. These girls are obviously aiming to be a certain measurement. I think Laura Greenfield was aiming to spread the efforts that certain teenage girls have to go through because of the pressure to be a certain size. These girls must be models or aiming to be models as models are made to be a certain size. I think that she has portrayed the fact that girls go through a lot of pressure as they look up to the faces that we see on the front of magazines and the celebrities that are in the public eye. 

Some people may not like this image because it is a candid moment and she hasn't asked them to stand in a certain way. I like the image because it displays a meaning and represents real life issues rather than showing thin and pretty girls being measured she has chosen bigger and less attractive girls which has more of an effect to the fact that they feel pressured. 

In this image I took we can see someone waist being measured using a tape measure. The fact that we cannot see who is measuring the person or who the person is makes us read into this more because we are intrigued to know who it is. By leaving the gender of the person being measured unknown the meaning of the image becomes open to both genders showing us that there is pressure in both genders. Similar to Laura Greenfield I have captured the pressure of being a certain size and wanting to look a certain way. Unlike her image which was candid this image wasn't, I specifically asked someone to pose in this way.

I edited this photo in Photoshop to further improve it. I made the image black and white which gives it more of an effect, it makes the image bold but dull at the same time which is similar to it's meaning. I also increased the clarity of this image to make it stand out more. 

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