Monday 16 January 2017

George Logan Research Post

George Longan


Born in Bellshill, near Glasgow, Scotland, George studied at Blackpool College of Photography before moving to London where he is currently based. George is a muti-faceted talent, equally at home on location or in the studio, working with people, animals, locations or still life. George's work receives critical acclaim both in the UK and Internationally. He has three current travelling solo exhibitions in the UK and is a regular exhibitor at many of London's galleries. His work was also shown at the Shanghai International Photography Exhibition in China. He approaches his work with imagination, energy and lots of enthusiasm. His work is distinctive and unique. 


In this image we can see a wedding in a church and the bottom half of a groom and the bride, their tops halves have been replaced by a phone which has and image of two sports figures. I think the deeper meaning of this image is that sports people share the same love for each other because they have a close relationship and spend a lot of time together. This image is related to sport relationship and maybe the love that team mates share as they have to play together and co-operate well to be able to play the game well. I like the idea of using a phone to  place another image on top of the original image.

In this image we can see a group of pigs standing in the middle of the street. We can tell this image has been manipulated because we wouldn't normally see these type of animals in the middle of a normal street. I like this image because it gives an interpretation of imagination. I think this image could also be expressing the feelings of people who believe that caged animals in zoos are wrong. These pigs wouldn't be able to survive in this environment, he may be showing us that this environment is similar to the zoo environment. The fact that the sky is dull and dark gives a depressing effect on the image which tells us this isn't a happy image and it is giving us a deep message.

In this image we can see a normal countryside village but what really stands out is the fact that we can see an elephant walking through. Like the image before I think Logan is trying to show a view that animals shouldn't be caged in a zoo they should be allowed to walk free. The fact that we can't see the elephants face shows us that it has no identity, this could be linked to them living in a zoo as they don't have no real identity or life they just belong behind bars. I like this image because it is very obvious that it has been manipulated because we wouldn't see this in real life.

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