Saturday 14 January 2017

Connecting Essay 4

Connecting Essay

Thomas Ruff

In this picture we can see a portrait picture of a woman on a white background. The woman has no expression on her face and her clothes are dull and boring. This photographer has a series of photographs like this, I think he is expressing different people, how different people look or dress. I like how he expresses each person but I think he could add more colour and brightness to these photos because it will draw people's attention in more to his work. Personally, this isn't one of my favourite photographers because I find it very boring as I struggle to find a real meaning behind the images, I understand why he has taken them but there isn't a real deep meaning. I think his images are significant in the photography world because everyone else's portrait images are bright and stand out where as his do not really grab our attention.

In this picture we can see a portrait picture of a girl on a pink background. The girl doesn't really have an expression but she seems happier than the woman we can see before in Thomas Ruff's image. Her clothes also stand out because of the colour difference from the background. I think this portrait image stands out better against Thomas Ruff's image because it has a brighter background and she is wearing a brighter coloured jumper whereas the other woman is wearing very dull colours. However, the two images are similar because they are just normal portraiture images with no real expression and nothing else going on in the images.

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