Thursday 6 October 2016

Form Image Bank

This image links to form because the shell is shown as a 3D image. I can use ideas from this image in my work because I can take picture of things in the natural world which is shown as a 3D image. I think this image shows form really well because the reflection of the shell in water makes it seems more 3D, I would like to incorporate that into my work as I think reflections or shadows work really well in presenting form.

This image links to form because the dice are shown as 3D images. I can use ideas from this image in my work because I can take pictures of things that aren't always what people think of. I think this shows form well because the darkness of the image makes the shadows stand and out and also the fact that the dice are white also makes them stand out more. I would like to incorporate this in my work because I think the darker backgrounds make the 3D of the shapes stand out more.

This image links to form because we can see the 3D shape of the computer keys. I can use this idea in my work by taking picture of keyboards. I think that this shows form very well because the shapes of the keyboard keys can be seen very well. Also. the shadows of the keys can be seen too which creates form even more. I would like to incorporate this idea into my work because I want to capture the full shape of objects.

This image links to form because the 3D image of the banana has ben captured. Also, the shadow that is created also helps link to form because the 3D image is established better. The lighting used in this image also helps it link to form because the brightness in the middle shows helps us focus on the banana and the darkness around the outside makes a shadow on the banana which shows its form. I can use this idea in my work because I can take natural objects like fruit and create shadows with them to show form. 

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