Sunday 30 October 2016

Shape Straight Images

I took this image because I think that it represents shape well. In this image there are several different shapes the main one being the clock face, the numbers also count as shapes along with the hands of the clock. I like this image because it doesn't show the clock face on it shows it at a different angle. The focus of this image has also worked well because the top end of the image is more in focus than the bottom of the image, this creates a better effect than if the whole image was in focus.

I took this image because of the several shapes included in it. The circles of the powders show shape but also the several different circles incorporated in the powders. I like this image because the focus of the image works well as the whole image is in focus. The angle of this image is also good because if I was any closer all the powders wouldn't of been seen and if I used a wider angle then other things would've appeared in the image. 

I took this image because it includes more than one shape, the bagel itself counts as a shape but the ring inside also counts as a shape. I like this image because it looks like it has been taken in a studio but it hasn't. The flash of the camera helped get such a clear image. I like that the image is so clear and it doesn't include anything else in the image. The focus of the image has helped here because if this image wasn't in focus it wouldn't have had such a big effect. Although this object isn't 2D the direct light hitting it makes no shadows so it doesn't look 3D.

I took this image because the watch faces showed shape. I like this image because the watches together have a big effect because they are both different but the same features on them show shape. The light hitting the objects create a big effect too because it brightens the face which helps it become clearer so we can establish the shape.  I think this image could've been zoomed in more slightly because the actual watch faces are not clear enough.

I took this image because the apple sign is 2D so it shows shape. I like this image because you can play around with it a lot in Photoshop when I come to editing my pictures. I think the lighting in this image could've been improved because it is a bit too dark, if the image was lighter I think that it could be a better picture. I also could've incorporated more in this image that relates to shape such as several other apple products showing their logo.

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