Monday 17 October 2016

Shape Image Bank

This image links to shape because the angle that the image is at makes the buildings look 2D. This image shows shape well because not only do the buildings represent shape but the windows on the building also shows shape. I can use the techniques in this image by using the camera angle in my work. I can take images of 3D objects such as buildings to make them look 2D so the shape is more visible. I chose this image because I liked the way that it didn't just incorporate one type of shape and I also liked the angle that this is taken at.

This image represents shape well because when we look at this photo we focus in on the shapes that are made from the lines. I can use ideas from this picture because I can take pictures of things that make shapes rather then focusing in on one shape. I chose this image because it creates a pattern using shape but it makes us focus in on the shapes that are used. I also like the fact that the shapes become smaller in the background because it draws your eyes into it.

This image relates to shape because the clock face is round, also the clock consists of different shapes such as the clock hands and numbers. I can use this in my work but taking pictures of clocks or watches in different ways to show shape. Also I can use the camera angle in my work by getting closer to the objects to show shape. I choose this image because I like how shape is incorporated into every clock face because of the hands and the shape of the face. I also like how the picture only shows part of the clock face and it draws us in making us want to see more.

This image incorporates shape well because it shows us the shape of the cobweb but the cobweb is almost made up of different shapes. I can use ideas from this image because I can take picture of natural things and show their shape. I chose this image because it doesn't make you think of shape straight away but when you think about it a cobweb is almost a 2D thing and this image shows that. I also like the fact that we can tell that it is cold or raining because it almost looks like there is water dripping off of the cobweb.

This image incorporates shape well because we see a 2D shadow of elephants. I use ideas from this image because I can use shadows in my work because they are 2D shapes. I can use different objects to create different shadows that look like something different in my work. I chose this image because I liked the use of the shadow which can be perceived as dull but the sun shining through makes the picture more intriguing because it makes it seem more welcoming. 

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