Monday 31 October 2016

Reflection and Framing Image Bank


I chose this picture because I think it shows reflection well because the puddle produces a reflection of the building next to it. I chose this image because I like the puddle effect and there is not a lot going on in the picture which helps us focus in on the main aspect. Also, I think the colours helps in this pictures because the blues make it seem brighter and draws us in. From this image I can take the use of the puddle and the angle that it is taken at. I can use this in my work by using a reflection in a puddle from a building or another object also I can use the angle that this is taken at by making the reflection more visible.

This image shows reflection well because although we cannot see the clear reflection in the persons eye we know that a reflection is there because of the lighter area we can see. I chose this picture because I think that it is a good idea as they have used the human form to try and create the reflection. I can use ideas from this image in my work because I can take pictures of people's eyes to try and focus in on the reflection that we can see. Also, this picture can help me think of better things to take pictures of and think about things that I wouldn't originally have thought of when linking it to reflection.

This image shows reflection well because the puddle that can be seen is presenting the mans and the buildings reflection well. I chose this image because I like the way that although he is taking the photo he is also incorporating himself in his own photo by being in the reflection of the puddle. I also like how there isn't much going on around the puddle but when you focus in on the puddle there is a lot going on and more to focus on. 

This image shows reflection because we can see the building being reflected onto the table. I chose this image because I like how we are drawn to looking at the table. I also like how the rest of the image is boring and dull but when you look into the table it makes the picture more intriguing. I can use ideas from this photo in my work because I can form reflections in different places that we wouldn't think of straight away. 

This image shows reflection because we can see the hand being reflected into the mirror. I chose this image because I like that it isn't a whole person being reflected in the mirror which is what would normally happen. I like that it is someones arm and hand but you can't see the rest of them, it draws us in because we want to see what the person is like, we want to put a face to the hand. I can use ideas like this in my work because I can reflect different things in the mirror that we wouldn't think of straight away.


This image shows frame because the hands are creating a frame and almost directs us into the focus of the image. I choose this image because I liked how the hands are acting as a frame and we can see clearly what the camera has focussed on. I also like the contribution of the sun in this image because it makes us feel welcomed into the picture. We are also welcomed into the picture by the way the hands are showing a heart which symbolises love. I can use ideas like this in my work because I can get someone to make shapes with their hands and focus on what is in the shape. 

This image shows frame because we focus on the tree and the landscape that we can see inside the frame. I chose this image because I like the way that we can see what is inside the frame but we can also see what is around the frame. This helps us be drawn into the middle of the frame because the outside is boring compared to what is happening inside the frame. I can use ideas from this image because I can get someone to hold a frame and focus on what is going on inside the frame.

This image shows frame because we can see what is happening inside the wing mirror clearly. This can be seen as a frame because we are only drawn to what is happening in the frame rather than what we can see on the inside. I chose this image because it isn't like any of the other pictures that incorporated frame. I like that we can see what is behind us because it is a mirror. As well as frame this can also incorporate reflection. I can use ideas like this in my work because I can take pictures in cars wing mirrors. 

This image shows frame because we are focusing in on the shapes of the windows and what we can see out of them. I chose this image because I liked how there is 3 windows together showing the view. Although there is 3 windows when we look at them they all merge into one because we focus in on what we can see through the windows rather than the windows themselves. I can use ideas like this in my work because I can take picture through windows and focus on what is on the outside.

This image shows frame because the shape of the gate acts as a frame to focus in on the building. I chose this image because I like how everything outside the shape is blurred but the building which is the main focus in clear. The fact that this image is in black and white make us think more about the image such as whether it is from a long time ago or is it a modern picture. I can use ideas like this in my work because I can take pictures of something through a shape and make the camera focus just on what we can see through the shape.

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