Saturday 1 October 2016

Pattern Straight Images

I took this image because I think it represents pattern well as it is the same thing being repeated over again. This image represents regular pattern because the pattern doesn't change it stays the same. The fact that this pattern was present on a piece of kitchen roll was a good idea because it's not normally what you would expect someone to take a picture of. I think this is a good representation of pattern because we are able to see clearly what the pattern is.

I took this image because it represents pattern well. This is a representation of regular pattern because the same set of flowers are being repeated over and over again on the curtains. This pattern could be considered as being irregular because it seems that it isn't the same pattern of flowers being repeated but it is. I think I could've zoomed out more on this image to show the pattern in more detail.

I took this image because it represents a pattern well, this is a representation of regular pattern as the same arrangement is being repeated over and over again. This pattern could also be considered as being irregular because it seems like the same thing isn't being repeated but the same arrangement is. I think I could've zoomed out on this image because it would've been clear what the pattern was.

I took this image because it represents pattern well as it shows an irregular pattern. The pavement is being repeated over again but in different shapes, sizes and colours. I think this image represents pattern well because you have to look deeper into the image to see the pattern instead of seeing it directly. 

I took this image because it represents a regular pattern as the same shape is being repeated over again which represents a regular pattern. I think this image has turned out well because the pattern is obvious to whoever is looking at the image. I also like the fact that to someone looking at the image they aren't sure what it is, on first look someone would think this is a picture of floor tiles but it is actually wall tiles. I like this image because it is a good representation of pattern.

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